Electrical, Instrumentation and Automation

In the manufacturing of large and small molecules “time-to-market” is a critical key performance indicator that put pressure during the project phases and to engineering of electrical, instrumentation and automation scope. Cost and time efficiency on the one and GMP and regulatory compliance on the other hand are key to a lean approach required from today`s market. Furthermore, scale up of manufacturing capacity at lowest possible time is a lifesaving measurement and at least a competitive edge. Modularisation of electrical and automation scope is our response.
Electrical instrumentation

By offering our expertise within Electrical, Instrumentation and Automation our service is supplied to greenfield and brownfield facilities and manufacturing projects:


Front End (feasibility and concept) as basis for investment decisions
URS – User Requirement Specification
Risk assessment
I/O System
Technical tender specification
Functional specifications
CSV – Computer System Validation

Project Management

Construction Management

Commissioning and Qualification

Design of Supply, Distribution System and Instrumentation for 

Instrumentation for

Clean and black utilities

Process Automation based on S88 Batch Control

Clean Room Monitoring

Building Automation