Business areas,
we are focusing on
Pharmaplan has divided its business into three areas
that cover the complete project and asset lifecycle from the early ideation phase to supporting established manufacturing operations. The business areas work in close collaboration but focus on the specific needs of the respective project phase.

Front end projects
Pharmaplan’s business area Front End Projects focuses on feasibility studies, concept designs, site master planning, and capability reviews. Agile teams of experts develop and evaluate solutions based on management requests, but in near relationship with the client’s experts, usually from engineering and quality organizations.
The objective at Pharmaplan is to develop standard facility and equipment designs, modular concepts, and optimal project execution strategies on a global level, and then translate them into the site and project-specific concepts and requirements.
Investment projects
At Pharmaplan, the business area Investment Projects is responsible for the execution of investment projects of all sizes, from the refurbishment of existing production to the erection of completely new manufacturing sites. Pharmaplan usually works as General Planner, in charge of all engineering and construction works. Experienced project and construction managers coordinate Pharmaplan’s teams of engineers, equipment vendors, and all contractors directly on the construction site, in close collaboration with the client organization.
Our project managers are supported by project management services professionals, responsible for scheduling, cost control, progress reporting, and document management.
Pharmaplan has plenty of experience and a proven track record with successful fast-track execution of large projects. Our group of companies has a huge in-house pool of seasoned project managers and engineers, who work according to proven project execution standards and ensure project delivery within budget, time, and required quality.
Site projects
Once a project is completed and the assets have become operational, Pharmaplan’s business area Site Projects continues to support the customer site operations with a broad service portfolio.
The services include engineering required for product change over, capacity optimization, operational excellence initiatives, all types of facility upgrades or refurbishments, automation upgrades or integration of digital solutions into existing plants, (re-)qualification, and validation services.
Pharmaplan has its own qualified equipment park to conduct thermo-mappings in cold rooms, refrigerators, freezers, incubators, stability chambers, autoclaves, and others.
When feasible, Pharmaplan opens and maintains offices directly on-site to be based as close as possible to the actual operations and be able to respond quickly and flexibly to the customers’ needs.