CSL Behring AG

The new building accommodates two additional manufacturing lines for immunoglobulin products. This extension is a multi-story building with three basement levels. The new building is connected to the already existing service and logistics center at the site. Its core includes immunoglobulin bulk manufacturing, space for future sterile filling line, and utility and logistics rooms.
Pharmaplan took on the role of general design contractor to support the production expansion.
A fast-track approach was applied in all project phases to meet the strict timeline. The basic design, for instance, was executed in just six months.
The new production building and the building envelope had to be built within a limited time frame
and without any interruption to the existing site operations. Also, with the footprint of the new buildings taking up the majority
of the remaining site area, there was very limited space for the kind of construction site that this type of project usually requires.
Design Highlights

Facts & Figures
Bern, Switzerland
CSL Behring AG
2017 – 2021